Contact Lens Myths Debunked

Contact lenses are a great way to correct vision without having to wear glasses, but there are a lot of myths and misconceptions about them. In this blog post, we will debunk the most common contact lens myths.

Myth #1: Contact lenses can get lost behind your eye.

This is a common Contact Lens Myths, but it’s physically impossible for a contact lens to get lost behind your eye. Your conjunctiva, a thin membrane that covers the white of your eye, prevents anything from getting behind your eye. If your contact lens moves out of place, it will most likely lodge under your upper eyelid. You can usually just blink a few times or gently pull down your upper eyelid to dislodge it.

Myth #2: Contact lenses can damage your eyes.

Contact lenses are generally safe, but they can damage your eyes if they’re not worn or cared for properly. For example, wearing contact lenses for too long or not cleaning them properly can increase your risk of infection. It’s important to follow your optometrists’ instructions on how to wear and care for your contact lenses to minimize your risk of complications.

Myth #3: You can’t wear contact lenses if you have dry eyes.

If you have dry eyes, you can still wear contact lenses. There are several things you can do to manage dry eyes and wear contact lenses comfortably, such as using lubricating eye drops and choosing contact lenses that are designed for dry eyes.

Myth #4: Contact lenses can permanently stick to your eye.

This is another myth. If a contact lens sticks to your eye, it’s most likely because your eye is very dry. Blinking a few times or using a lubricating eye drop will usually dislodge the contact lens. If you can’t remove the contact lens yourself, see your optometrists right away.

Myth #5: Contact lenses are expensive.

Contact lenses can be expensive, but there are a few ways to save money, such as buying contact lenses in bulk and using coupons. You can also ask your eye doctor about affordable contact lens options.

If you’re considering wearing contact lenses, be sure to talk to your eye doctor. They can help you choose the right contact lenses for your needs and teach you how to wear and care for them properly.


How to Insert and Remove Contact Lenses Safely and Easily

Inserting and removing contact lenses can be tricky at first, but with a little practice, it will become second nature. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to insert and remove contact lenses safely and easily:

How to insert contact lenses:

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. This is the most important step, as it will help to prevent the spread of bacteria and infection.
  2. Dry your hands with a lint-free towel. Lints can stick to your contact lenses and irritate your eyes.
  3. Remove the contact lens from the case with your index finger. Be careful not to touch the inside of the contact lens with your fingers.
  4. Place the contact lens on the tip of your index finger and gently pull down your lower eyelid with your middle finger. This will create a pocket for the contact lens to sit in.
  5. Look up and position the contact lens over your eye. Centre the contact lens over your pupil and gently release your lower eyelid.
  6. Close your eye for a few seconds and gently roll your eye around. This will help the contact lens to settle into place.

How to remove contact lenses:

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.
  2. Dry your hands with a lint-free towel.
  3. Look up and gently pull down your lower eyelid with your middle finger.
  4. Use your index finger to gently slide the contact lens down to the white part of your eye.
  5. Pinch the contact lens between your index finger and thumb and remove it from your eye.

Here are some additional tips for inserting and removing contact lenses safely and easily:

  • Always wash your hands thoroughly before handling your contact lenses. This is the most important step, as it will help to prevent the spread of bacteria and infection.
  • Be careful not to touch the inside of your contact lenses with your fingers. If you do touch the inside of your contact lens, rinse it with contact lens solution before inserting it again.
  • Use a contact lens solution to clean and disinfect your contact lenses before and after inserting them. This will help to remove any build-up of dirt, debris, and bacteria.
  • For Monthly and Fortnightly Contact lens Store them in a clean contact lens case when you’re not wearing them. This will help to keep your contact lenses fresh and moist.
  • Replace your contact lenses according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Most contact lenses need to be replaced, Daily, every two weeks or monthly.

Contact lens troubleshooting:

If you have any problems inserting or removing your contact lenses, please consult with your Optometrist. Here are some common contact lens problems and how to troubleshoot them:

  • Dry eyes: If you have dry eyes, you can try using a lubricating eye drop before inserting your contact lenses.
  • Blurry vision: If your vision is blurry after inserting your contact lenses, it’s possible that your contact lenses aren’t the right prescription. You may need to see your Optometrist for a new prescription.
  • Contact lens stuck in eye: If your contact lens gets stuck in your eye, try blinking a few times. If it’s still stuck, try gently pulling it down with your finger. If you can’t remove it yourself, see your eye doctor right away.

By following these tips, you can safely and easily insert and remove your contact lenses. If you have any problems, please consult with your Optometrist.

Contact Lenses and Contact lens Case

Contact Lens Care: Navigating the Dos and Dont’s for Healthy Eyes

Navigating the Dos and Don’ts and Taking care of your lenses isn’t just about clear vision—it’s about keeping your eyes healthy and happy. Today, we’re diving into the essential dos and don’ts of contact lens care because a little TLC goes a long way in maintaining your ocular well-being.

The Dos

Wash Your Hands Before Touching Your Lenses:

Let’s start with the basics. Clean hands are a must before handling your lenses. It’s a simple step that keeps germs away from your eyes and lenses.

Use Recommended Lens Solutions:

Stick to the lens solution recommended by your eye care professional. It’s formulated to keep your lenses clean and your eyes comfortable.

Follow Replacement Schedules:

Whether you’re using daily, monthly, or fortnightly lenses, following the recommended replacement schedule, ensures your lenses stay comfortable and your eyes stay healthy.

Keep Your Lens Case Clean:

Your lens case needs a little love too. Regularly clean and replace it to prevent bacterial growth.

Remove Lenses Before Swimming or Showering:

Water and lenses don’t mix well. Removing your lenses before swimming or showering helps prevent contamination and irritation.

The Don’ts

Use Tap Water to Clean or Store Lenses:

Resist the urge to use tap water—it might seem harmless, but it can harbor harmful microorganisms that could lead to eye infections.

Top Off Old Solution:

Pouring new solution into old solution might seem like a time-saver, but it can decrease the effectiveness of your disinfecting solution.

Sleep in Lenses Not Designed for It:

Avoid sleeping in them. Your eyes need oxygen, and improper lens wear can lead to complications.

Share Your Lenses:

It might sound like a bonding experience, but sharing lenses is a big no-no. It increases the risk of infections and other eye issues.

Ignore Redness or Discomfort:

Listen to your eyes. If you experience redness, irritation, or any discomfort, take your lenses out and consult your eye care professional.

Remember caring for your contact lenses is extremely important it reduces irritation and keeps your vision clear. By following these dos and avoiding the don’ts, you’re taking proactive steps to ensure your eyes stay healthy, your lenses stay comfortable, and your vision remains crystal clear. After all, a little care goes a long way in maintaining your ocular well-being.

Contact Lenses

Finding Your Perfect Contact Lenses: A Comprehensive Guide To Daily, Monthly and Fortnightly Lenses

Thinking about contact lenses? I get it, the options can feel a bit overwhelming. One of the big decisions is choosing between daily, monthly, or fortnightly lenses. But don’t worry, I’m here to break it down for you. Let’s talk about your lifestyle, comfort, eye health, and budget to help you figure out which lenses are your match made in vision heaven

  • What’s Your Style?

First off, think about how you roll. Are you a busy bee or more of a chill vibe? If you’re all about convenience, those daily disposable lenses might be calling your name. But if you’re cool with a little lens care routine, monthly or fortnightly lenses could be your thing.

  • Feeling Comfortable

Comfort is king (or queen) when it comes to contacts. Those daily disposables? They’re like slipping on a fresh pair of socks every day – super comfy. Monthly and fortnightly lenses need a bit more TLC to keep that comfy feeling going strong.

  • Happy Eyes, Happy Life

Your peepers matter, so consider your eye health. If your eyes are sensitive or tend to get dry, those daily disposables could be your lifesaver. But wait, some 2-weekly or Monthly wear lenses are like the comfy couch of the lens world – they’re designed to keep your eyes feeling good even during longer wear.

  • Crunching the Numbers

Let’s talk money. Sure, daily disposables might seem pricier at first, but they save you on cleaning solutions and stuff. Monthly and fortnightly lenses have a lower upfront cost, but you’ll need to invest in lens care supplies.

  • Allergies? No Problem.

Allergies bugging you? Daily disposables might be your superhero. They don’t give allergens a chance to settle in. Breathe easy.

  • Matching Your Prescription

Your prescription is like a fingerprint – unique to you. Some lenses work better with certain prescriptions. Your eye expert can help you nail down the best fit.

  • Convenience Wins

If you’re all about ease, daily disposables are the way to go. They’re like the “no-chores” version of contact lenses. But if you’re down for a bit of maintenance, monthly and fortnightly lenses offer a mix of convenience and care.

  • Jetsetter? Daily’s Got Your Back

Do you practically live out of a suitcase? Daily disposables are your travel buddies. No need for extra lens stuff – just toss ’em when you’re done.

  • Earth-Friendly Choices

If you’re into saving the planet: recycling is where it’s at. Optometry Australia is stepping up with this awesome program that’s all about cutting down waste. It’s important to Keep in mind that daily disposables make more waste, while Monthly and fortnightly lenses are a bit gentler on Mother Earth.

Wrap Up: Your Perfect Fit

Choosing the right lenses – daily, monthly, or fortnightly – is like picking your favorite sneakers. It’s gotta feel good. Chat with your eye care professinal, to get the lowdown on what your eyes need. With the right lenses, you’ll be rockin’ clear vision and all-day comfort.